Monday 21 July 2014

John Cena won the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Fatal 4-Way Match

TAMPA, Fla. — Note to The Authority: Don’t bother to stack the deck against John Cena. The Champ likes being outnumbered. He enjoys it when the odds are against him. It’s when he’s at his best.

Little surprise then that the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Fatal 4-Way Match — a stipulation which could have seen Cena lose his title without being pinned or submitted — lit a fire under the Cenation leader. You want to take the most prestigious prize in sports-entertainment from the biggest Superstar of his generation? You’re going to have to pry it out of the man’s hands with a crowbar.
Of course, Roman Reigns, Kane and Randy Orton were prepared to do just that, but none of these Superstars could wrestle the title from Cena at WWE Battleground — although each man came within an eyelash of victory.

Who was closest to being the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion? That’s harder to call. The Viper seemed to be the favorite in the early goings of the bout as The Authority’s plan to have Kane block so Orton could run the ball for a touchdown was actually working. Although the two had bickered in the weeks leading up to WWE Battleground — and even appeared to be at odds earlier in the evening — The Demon was battering Cena and Reigns and stepping aside as The Viper went for cover after cover.

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